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Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce Inflammation

By David Morris

Omega-3 fatty acids are what's called essential fatty acids, they're needed by the body for it to work normally. They're called 'essential' because we can not actually make them in our body, so we have to get them from the foods we eat. And, if we don't eat them, our bodies don't get them, it's a simple as that.

The British Journal of Nutrition recently published a new study. The study was a review of many of the previous research studies, on omega-3 fatty acids. The review indicated that omega-3 fatty acids were able to lower the levels of certain chemicals in the body related to inflammation, for those with certain chronic inflammatory conditions.

The researchers worked through more than 10 years of data, from 26 studies. The studies themselves were comparing taking omega-3 fatty acids as a supplement compared to a placebo.

The results were very interesting, those suffering with chronic kidney disease, sepsis and pancreatitis seem to benefit from taking omega-3 fatty acids. And those with cardiovascular disease also had a decreases in certain inflammatory markers.

Even in healthy people, Omega-3 fats were found to be useful for exercise. After exercise there is normally a sharp rise in inflammatory chemicals released in the body. Omega-3 was found to dissipate this.

Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in most super foods, spirulina and maca powder are good sources, as is wheatgrass powder.

Research suggests that inflammatory conditions are likely to improve when the body has enough omega-3 fatty acids. By reducing the inflammatory markers, it's likely that this will correspond with fewer or at least milder inflammatory symptoms and slower disease progression in people with, for example, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Research has also indicated potential benefits of omega-3 fatty acids:

1. Reducing the overall risk of death from heart disease

2. Significantly reducing stiffness and joint pain for those with rheumatoid arthritis, they also seemed to help the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs.

3. Those eating foods with omega-3 oils, have lower levels of depression.

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