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Have Diabetes? Try These Tips To Manage It

By Dr Pj Prakash

If you are diabetic, do you know exactly what you should be eating, how much exercise you need and how much sleep you should be getting? Read this article to find out how you can adapt your daily life to stay in control of your condition.

Cinnamon is an ingredient you can eat sweeten your food with without any extra calories or sugar. Cinnamon helps you to highlight a food's natural sweetness in place of glucose raising sugar. It has not been proven one way or the other if cinnamon can reduce glucose levels, but either way, it is a great spice to include in your diet.

Use caution when having a pedicure if you have diabetes. Diabetics are prone to bad foot infections, therefore you need to be especially careful of any cut or puncture you receive there.

If you're diabetic, you need to eat and check your blood sugar regularly, even if you're feeling sick or don't have any appetite. Fluids are very important during times of low glucose levels.

Vinegar can improve your glycemic control. Studies show that about half an ounce of vinegar, swallowed prior to a meal, can make your blood sugar rise slower than normal after the meal. Vinegar keeps the food you eat in your stomach for longer and slows the digestion of starches.

When you go without food for a long time, your liver puts out glucose to fill the gap, which can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Eating regularly and eating snacks with carbs could decrease glucose.

Even the smallest elevations can increase risk. Sadly, many people do not manage their diabetes well enough to achieve good A1C levels. Your goal should be less than seven percent, which translates to roughly 150 milligrams per deciliter average blood glucose.

If you are traveling, always have your insulin on your person wherever you go. Never check insulin at the airport or bus terminal. Not only do you risk losing it if your luggage gets misplaced, but baggage compartments may be too hot or too cold. Insulin usually lasts for a month if it is kept at room temperature. Carry your supplies with you in a small bag.

If you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, watch out for these symptoms of unusually high blood sugar: fatigue, night vision problems, excessive hunger and thirst, and excessive urination. In the event that you experience any such symptoms or otherwise feel that something is wrong, either call your doctor immediately, give yourself an appropriate dose of insulin, or if the situation calls for it, grab a quick snack.

Do all you can to keep your stress level low. Being stressed can cause your sugar levels to go up. Yoga and meditation are great ways to keep your stress levels low. You can also learn different exercises in breathing, which provide great benefits because you can do then anywhere.

Always take your medication as your doctor directs. Some symptoms of diabetes may not be noticeable. Make sure you're taking the right doses of medicine at the right times, no matter what. Discuss questions or side effects of a treatment plan with your doctor; take your medicine as directed and don't get off your medication yourself.

One myth is that you have to avoid all sugars. While sugar should be strictly moderated, you don't have to ban it from your diet altogether. On special occasions, treat yourself to a small portion of an excellent dessert. Since eating sweets gives you added carbohydrates, it is good to lessen other foods that are rich in carbohydrates when you eat your special treat.

Being faced with the diagnosis of diabetes is not an end to life as you know it. Use the insight you have gained here and you will better your chances of dealing with the day-to-day impacts of this very serious condition.

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