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Diabetes: Its Three Major Types

By Jacob Waeetane

Hundreds of millions of people in the world is diagnosed to have diabetes but the diabetes causes of most of it are similar. Diabetes is classified into three types by the experts in the medical field. The cause of the condition is the basis in the three type classification. If you have a history of diabetes in your past generations, you should have a look at these classifications to know if the diabetes incidence in some of your relatives and family members were genetic or not. Here are the three common types of diabetes as classified by the medical community today.

What is Type 1 diabetes?

This type of diabetes wasn't always called type 1 diabetes and some of its earlier names are juvenile diabetes and insulin-dependent diabetes. People who learned that they have this type of diabetes aren't really the obese body type as most people picture people with diabetes. The BMI's of people with this kind of diabetes are always on the unhealthy side.

This classification of diabetes is caused by loss of beta cells in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. The lack of insulin makes the cells unable to take in glucose. The damage is irreversible so this type of diabetes needs shots as long as the patient lives. This type accounts to only a small fraction of the diabetics in the world.

What is Type 2 diabetes?

This is the more common type of diabetes which is caused by the lessening response of the body's cells to insulin thereby lessening its ability to let glucose enter the body's cells. A lifestyle that allows a constantly high blood sugar level is believed to a part of the reason why type 2 diabetes occurs. The type 2 diabetes can be reversed if it is treated in its early stages with the correct medication.

What is Gestational diabetes?

The symptoms of diabetes in this type is just like the type 2 but this type is only found in pregnant women. By this, we mean that it also shows insulin resistance of cells but the condition may disappear after the pregnancy. Doctors need to keep track of the pregnant woman because the diabetes can be dangerous to her and the baby.

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