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Treatment and Cellular Therapy Practices

By Dr. Oscar E. Castro

Cellular therapy is the modern way of helping the treatment of a disease with the help of adding new cells to the body tissues. The procedure is done by simply injecting some tissue to any organ of a person and even to an embryo or a fetus. Through this process, the damaged tissues will be helped in functioning again in a normal way.

There are many organs of the body that can be treated by Cellular therapy and these includes the heart, the brain, the kidney, the pancreas, ovary, liver spleen, testis and even more. Gaining restored health through Cellular therapy with its peptide treatments is one great good news as there are a lot of people who are worried with overcoming some hereditary diseases.

The children who had been having hyperthyroidism were injected with thyroid cells way back 1912 and that's when this Cellular therapy came to the idea. But before that, it was also said that the idea originally started with a certain Dr. Sequard who was into injecting animal testicles to human to hold aging effects. The idea spread in more other countries and was followed by more doctors including Dr. Niehans of Sweden. Cellular therapy idea is simply like how bone marrow transplant is done wherein cell is injected after cleaning it from the removed bone marrow.

Cellular therapy has two types and these are known as allogeneic and autologous. As mentioned above, similar to bone marrow is the autologous because it's the process of removing the cell, cleaning and then injecting it back to the body of the person. An exact genetic match is needed because this type of Cellular therapy is for diseases that are as such. If there's no genetic match, then it would mean that the person who has the disease would even get worst. If some incompatible tissues are injected, those have to be removed.

The second type of Cellular therapy is allogeneic. The process is simple and is common. Having the same type of tissues is enough and this usually comes from the siblings as the donors. If we compare the two types of cellular therapy, this allogeneic peptide treatment comes to be common. Again, the requirement is only the same type of tissue. Based on research, the usual donors always comes from the siblings.

Cells are preserved also for future use. As cells are preserved, many people gain some help with the cure of their diseases. However, preserving these cells is very sensitive as it might lost the genetic composition that a person needs. Many types of diseases can be cure with the help of this cellular therapy.

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