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Stanford Family Clinic For The Entire Family

By Alison Wilcox

Stanford family clinic type businesses can be used to illustrate medical facilities that caters for whole families. This includes infants, the under fives, adolescents, teenagers and adults. The adults may cover those in their twenties, thirties and beyond and include elderly parents and grandparents. It makes a lot of business sense to start treating patients from their infant stages and continue to treat them into adult life if possible.

A myriad number of varied medical practices offer all round medical services to whole family groups. Many patients are seen not because they are sick but as a preventive measure. Quarterly, half years, every nine months and yearly patient schedules are routine practices by many physician office concerns. These scheduled checkups can and do save lives.

Some of the regular monitoring includes blood work. Blood is drawn, using a syringe where veins are prominent so the blood can easily be drawn out. There may be several vials filled for various tests ordered by medical staff. Many of the tests ordered are carried out by outside laboratory type entities. The results are sent to the physicians who inform patients of the results.

Another test normally performed by physicians is checking blood pressure. This in many cases is actually the first check done. Abnormal blood pressure, such as high blood pressure, can cause all sorts of health problems for patients. If the blood pressure is found to be high, there are several options available to doctors as recommendations to their patients.

Living a healthy lifestyle is championed as one of the best ways to avoid many illnesses and increases the probability of living a long and health life. Patients who demonstrate that they get the message about paying attention to their diet, regularly exercise, drink moderately if at all and do not smoke may get more favorable results than those who do the opposite. Those not following a health lifestyle are admonished to do so.

Medicines may be prescribed for health problems discovered during medical examinations. In addition to, or in place of medication, patience may be asked to consider changing their eating habits. They may, for instance be advised or gently prodded into eating less of some foods and increasing intake in other nutrition types. In addition, they may be advised to start an exercise regime.

Many people may live in housing developments that include sports facilities. These facilities may include gymnasiums, swimming pools, tennis courts and cycle lanes. For these individuals and families recommendation by physicians to live a less sedate lifestyle can be helped by having such facilities close to home. For those with these facilities further away, more resolve may be needed.

Stanford family clinic type medical facilities can illustrate businesses providing health care to families. There are many health related providers who serve their local communities. The saying that prevention is better then the cure is actually incorporated in medical practice. Easier access to sports related facilities may encourage a less sedate lifestyle.

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