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Major Diabetes Symptoms

By Judy Menson

Diabetes is a disease that affects a lot of people of all ages. There are two strains of Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is primarily hereditary and genetic. Type 2 is often a repercussion of lifestyle and environmental factors. While the disease is not always entirely avertable, for the most part it can be warded off for quite awhile. One of the optimal ways to be able to manage the disease possible is to learn how to realize the major indicators of diabetes. Once you know how to identify the major symptoms of this disorder you stand a better chance of controlling it and not letting it affect your life in any major way.

One of the most common signs of diabetes is fatigue. Yes, fatigue is a sign of a bunch of different issues.

Sometimes it could be a symptom of a major illness. During other moments, it could just mean you need to get more hours of sleep at night. However, when it is happening because of diabetes, the fatigue is outrageous. Someone facing this type of sleepiness probably gets plenty of sleep at night and, even if he is fairly inactive, will often feel absolutely drained. This is the kind of fatigue that is often associated with mononucleosis and can be just as debilitating. Keep track of your energy levels. If there is no explainable reason for you to be feeling so drained, contact your medical professional to have them run some tests.

Do you experience sudden blurred vision? This is something that you won't be able to see if it is happening to someone else. If this is something that happens to you it is usually a sign that your body is having difficulty with insulin and you should be tested for diabetes. Diabetes is also known as Diabetes Insipidus. It is caused when body fluid is pulled out of the tissues surrounding the lenses of your eyes. Focusing your eyes when this occurs is difficult. Once in awhile you may discover it's time to see the eye doctor for glasses. Watch out though, pay close attention to the timing, if it's constant see your eye doctor, if it's intermitent or comes and goes definately see your doctor.

Is concentration difficult for you? Do you pass out for now apparent reason? These symptoms too may signfy diabetes. You may have heard by now that diabetes inhibits your body's ability to regulate insulin and blood sugar levels. Fainting can be experienced when the body's blood sugar levels fluctuate uncontrollably before diagnosis. You need to consult your doctor if you experience these spells especially if you experience feeling drained of energy after. It could be that you have hypoglycemia. On the other hand you may need insulin to regulate your blood. Your physician is the only one who can determine for sure what is happening.

Diagnosing diabetes is really tough. This is because many of the symptoms mimic symptoms of other disorders as well. The most direct evidence can only be found out through extensive testing. Still, there are physical indicators and diabetes warning that you should keep an eye out for. Diabetes is not an illness to be taken lightly, particularly if it isn't treated right. Proper treatment depends on real diagnoses. So, if you observe that your body is not acting right, you should contact your physician. What you are guessing is a cold could actually be diabetes.

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