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Diabetes Concerns with Statins, Should You Stop the Treatment?

By Charles Woo

Statin drugs have been on the market for many years. These drugs are used to decrease blood cholesterol levels. There are currently seven statins on the market that are commonly prescribed. This class of medications has been among the most prescribed medications in U.S history.

Individuals with high cholesterol could suffer a heart attack or stroke. Since their introduction, the controversies around usage of statins have not stopped.

Few research papers have proposed that taking statins could cause a high sugar level and possibly diabetes.

Could any of these cholesterol lowering prescriptions cause diabetes? Nobody wishes to treat high cholesterol and end up with diabetes.

I have decided to ask this question from Dr. Daneschvar who is one of the experts in cholesterol management and heart and vascular disease prevention. He is the founder of TheMedCircle. I like this new website for the reason that the replies to patients' questions are only provided by the experts grounded on unbiased and fact-based information. TheMedCircle has circulated Dr. Daneschvar's answer to this inquiry on their site.

In asked him whether statins, in view of the new research data, should be avoided. He replied that consuming statins in patients at risk for having heart attacks and strokes offset the risk of having diabetes. I found the following quote to be very thought-provoking: "The notion that statins can be put in the public water so that everybody is able to enjoy benefits should be questioned. We as human beings have learned to use automobiles despite its many adverse effects and problems. Using medication in the right and measured way is not very different."

I have decided to write this post after noticing that many people still have the same concerns that I had last year. I believe reading the entire article on TheMedCircle could answer this question for many people.

I will continue taking statins until stronger data is available. I will also continue watching my diet. Everyone knows that this is not easy to do. I know that finding dependable and accurate answers to common medical questions can be difficult and challenging especially when there are many sites providing different and confusing information.

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In Jasper TX, Diabetic Alert Dog Training Offered By Top Company

By Sherwin Albao

Jasper diabetic dogs can help people live more independent, healthy lives. Regardless of whether a patient is suffering from Type 1 or 2 diabetes, a specially-trained canine can offer valuable, reliable services. Diabetic Alert Dogs (DAD) have the ability to notify patients or family members if blood sugar levels become too high or low. In addition to monitoring health, these service animals offer devotion, love, and companionship.

A canine's nose is remarkably accurate and sensitive. About one-eighth of its brain is dedicated to olfactory processes. Officials estimate the canine's sense of smell is about 1,000 times stronger than a human's. Within a canine's nose, there are 225 million scent receptors, compared to only five million within a human's.

During a hypoglycemic or a hyperglycemic event, the body emits specific odors. These scents can be excreted through breath, or in sweat, urine, or saliva. While these vapors are far too subtle for a person to detect, the canine's superior sense of smell can discern them from surrounding environmental scents very easily.

Not only can these intelligent creatures provide alerts when there are fluctuations in levels of blood sugar, they can also assist with other tasks. Among them are retrieving carbohydrate snacks, blood glucose meters, and glucose tablets.

The ADA (American Disabilities Act) has granted public access to all service animals. This includes all facilities which allow customers to enter. Examples include hotels, shopping malls, health clubs, public transportation, doctor's offices, schools, restaurants, and grocery stores. The service animal can be easily identified by its special vest which features unique patches, and by its service ID card.

Jasper diabetic dogs are usually placed when they are between one and two years of age. A variety of breeds may be available. Among them are Labrador Retrievers, Poodles, Golden Retrievers, and mixed-breed sporting dogs. Each candidate is carefully chosen for its trainability, temperament, and superior scenting ability.

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Learn How Top Trained Diabetic Alert Dogs Can Help Your Situation Now

By Hans Gerhard

For diabetics living in Jasper diabetic dogs are turning their lives around. Guide dogs have been recognized for many years but canines are now being trained as service animals in a number of different areas. Some are alerting owners to an imminent epilepsy attack. Some help children with autism and now some are warning their owners of low blood sugar levels.

A trained dog can smell when levels are low or high. What the particular trigger is is not known. While urine has a sweet smell when there is no absorption of glucose, a dog can preempt the condition. Once they alert the owner, steps can be taken to prevent problems. This is of enormous benefit as hypoglycemia can lead to unconsciousness.

Once the client trusts his companion's ability to alert him of an impending attack, he gains more confidence in his insulin therapy. Instead of worrying so much and continually testing his levels, he can relax a little more. Parents of afflicted children learn to trust the dog, thus relieving themselves of a continual anxiety.

Clients are better able to control their insulin usage. There is also the potential to benefit from more exercise and increased socialization. A reduction in depression has also been noted.

Clients may need to undergo up to a hundred hours of training. This takes place both in the classroom and in the field over a period of up to four months. Each person works with several different animals until a good match is found.

Those with Type 1 diabetes are more likely to suffer hypoglycemic attacks than those with Type 2. Parents of children with Type 1 are particularly grateful to Jasper diabetic dogs as they can now sleep at night knowing they will awaken if necessary. Prior to having a dog, parents would need to test their children's levels several times each night.

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